Angel and Yaritza Candelaria

Angel y Yary

Originally from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, we’ve both been believers since our youth, serving in different roles related to the Worship & Music Ministry.

A couple of years after we got married in 2003, we began asking God in prayer something that, without realizing it, would change our lives forever: “Lord, teach us to serve you and worship you as your Word says, and not as the man wants us to”. As we started digging into the Scripture, praying and looking for answers, God answered our prayers. He led us to abandon the traditions of men and embrace the true appointed times of the Lord—his Sabbath and his Feasts—resulting in a closer relationship with Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) through a deeper understanding of his Word.

We’re blessed to serve as Prayer & Intercession Ministry Leaders at Revive House of Messiah—the community we call our home congregation since January of 2023, by God’s grace and guidance.