Samantha and I moved out and away from the Sunday Christian worship system about 5 years ago by God’s leading and His undeniable will injected into our lives. We have gone through much questioning and Biblical exploration that has convinced us that Friday night through Saturday night Sabbath worship, following the commands given in the Torah, and experiencing the feasts as presented in the Bible are God’s perfect design for His call to worship Him deeply and completely. Ultimately, we gave up the man-made pagan celebrations such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentine’s Day and gave up eating unclean food, and since then have concentrated on a more authentic relevance to our belief in the Messiah Yeshua as our King, Lord and Savior.
At Revive House of Messiah, we have found and exercised the total Christian experience along with spiritual healing through the trials, struggles, sin and tribulation that life often presents. Joy in the Lord and peace with God is possible. We invite you to Revive knowing He is good and faithful providing for your deepest needs.